Sacred Disruption

by Chinna Muthu Simon on December 13, 2023

Luke 1: 25-38

Mary's entire life was disrupted by an angel who told her she was to have a Divine Child who would change the course of history. Mary was perplexed but did not say no; she pondered in her heart. The Angel waited, and all the heavenly hosts waited with great anticipation for Mary's answer. Reflect on that moment: Mary is pondering, the Angel is waiting for an answer, and there is a weighty silence. Mary finally responded," Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word." Only then did the Angel depart.

During this Christmas Season, we may want to ponder when we are urged to consider doing something that would inconvenience us and disrupt our plans. Instead of dismissing someone's need or ignoring someone's pain, we may want to ponder and consider the moment.

  • Could I be called to do something that could make a difference in somebody's life?

  • Could I be called to something that could change my life for the better?

  • Can my response delight the Heavenly Host who may be disrupting my moment?

Mary wants us to ponder and not dismiss a Divine call because it is disruptive and inconvenient. We may not get to Bethlehem if we did.

May you be inconvenienced by God's call this Christmas Season.

God bless you,

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