August 6, 2025 6:00pm
Contact: Shari Caldarelli
you are invited...
CWF Annual Christmas Auction and Pot Luck!
Please bring...
-- a potluck dish to share
-- 2 wrapped gifts
-1 nice but not expensive
-1 gag white elephant
We’ll auction each gift, as we raise money for our church
activities throughout the year.
Come join the fun!
Spring Hill Village Community Center 700 Taylor Spring Court Taylor Mill, KY (Community Center will be on your left)
Christian Women's Fellowship (CWF) is an organization of MACC women. The group meets the first Wednesday of each month from September - June at 7p.m. sometimes at the church and sometimes at a member's home. Contact the church office for location each month.
Meetings often feature devotional time, a shared dessert, and focus on friendship, biblical understanding and faith in action. The members are actively involved in fundraising and supporting a variety of ministries in the local area and beyond. All women are welcome!
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